Walking in the Truth in the Dominican Tradition with
Respect – Whakaute, Resilience – Manawaroa,
Relationships – Whanaungatanga

Haere mai ki te kura Katorika o te Manawa Tapu –
Welcome to Sacred Heart School
Haere mai -welcome to our school.
I am delighted to welcome you to our wonderful school. It is a privilege for me to lead this community and be part of a school that is focused on our children in all that we do.
Sacred Heart School is a Catholic Primary School – Decile 8, located in North East Valley, Dunedin, right opposite Dunedin North Intermediate School.
Our Special Character is what makes us unique and we promote teaching and learning through the gospel values.
We are so proud of our tamariki and proud to work closely with our whanau and community.
Our passionate and dedicated teachers help tamariki to grow and thrive in a supportive and caring environment. We provide many purposeful learning opportunities for our students in and outside of the classroom.
I would love to personally welcome you so please get in touch if there is anything you would like to discuss either by e-mail principal@sacredheartdn.school.nz or phone (03) 473 8362.
Ellen Devaney