Walking in the Truth in the Dominican Tradition with
Respect – Whakaute, Humanity – Ira Tangata, Justice – Manatiki

Children wear the uniform for Catholic schools in the Dunedin area. Compliance with the uniform code is expected and appreciated.
At Sacred Heart we take pride in our school uniform. It is expected that the full uniform will be worn each day to and from school, including footwear. There are occasions when children cannot wear the correct uniform, a brief note of explanation/or phone call will be necessary.
Items are available from The Warehouse. All items of clothing and other belongings should be clearly named.
Children need to wear a sunhat when they are outside during Terms 1 and 4.
The uniform is as follows:
Summer (Terms 1 and 4)
Winter (Terms 2 and 3)
Grey long-sleeved shirt or skivvy
Navy blue Jersey
Grey shorts or navy blue trackpants
Grey socks
Black shoes
White long-sleeved shirt or white skivvy
Tartan pinafore or navy trackpants
Navy blue jersey
Blue tights or white ankle socks
Black shoes
Grey short-sleeved polo shirt
Navy blue jersey
Grey shorts
Grey socks
Black shoes or sandals
Navy blue brimmed Sunhat
White short-sleeved shirt
Tartan pinafore
Navy blue jersey
White socks
Black shoes or sandals
Navy blue brimmed Sunhat

Sports Uniform
Children are given sports uniforms at the beginning of the school year to use for sports tournaments and after school sports. Uniforms are returned at the end of the year.